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2024: ORAS Missingno Retrospective & 3D Model Files
In 2016, I made a video where I modded a Missingno model and short event into Omega Ruby. This was actually itself a much-later sequel to a 2007 video where I did something similar in the original Ruby version! This is both a post to reflect on that, but also to upload those models that I made back then. They can be downloaded here: missingno_model_files.zip. From what I remember, for 3DS modding, each face in the OBJ file cannot have more than 3 vertices (triangular faces only). Maybe it's chn...

2024: Pokemon Picross and Crystal Clear Custom Game Boy Labels
Hi! It's 2024! Ahh! Just a quick post sharing some custom labels for Pokémon Picross (GBC) and Crystal Clear. Pokémon Picross Crystal Clear Usage Download and resize these to 42mm x 37mm (or 4.2cm x 3.7cm) and print on sticker paper. The Picross label is made using edited assets from Pokémon Picross Adventure, which itself is using the 3DS version's logo. The Crystal Clear label is edited from IGDB. Both were made using Dinierto's Cartridge label templates. There are a few game boy cartridge l...

2022: Pokemon Red and Blue ROM Patches with Slowed Down Music
These are patches for Red/Blue that are built with their music tempo slowed down 2x and 4x. This is done by changing this line in the decompilation (to HIGH(\1 * 2), LOW(\1 * 2) or HIGH(\1 * 4), LOW(\1) * 4). This creates a slightly better experience if you use 2x or 4x speed up / fast forwarding in an emulator, so that the sound isn't just a cacophony of sped up noises. It's not perfect though! Downloads 2x Slowed: Red, Blue 4x Slowed: Red, Blue How to Patch Use https://www.marcrobledo.com/Ro...

2022: Creating a Windows 11 Install USB in 2022
I have been installing Windows for a long time. Does it get easier? I want to say it gets easier, but it seems like there's always some new wrinkle! These instructions are as much a note to my future self as they may be useful to anyone else. For me, I was not able to get any exfat-based installs, or even any of the GUI helpers to make this process any more straightforward. Maybe on your target Windows / host OS those helpers will work, but the below process (as of current year) is consistent, a...

2022: Debunking Criticisms About the Switch Browser
This post responds to some pretty negative comments about the Switch browser on this reddit thread on r/NintendoSwitch. Before I get into it, I want to lead with this change.org petition, which already has almost 14,000 signatures from other people who also want a standalone browser app on the Switch. It's a lot of development work that they won't maintain Actually, the development work is already done. The Switch already internally includes a webkit-based browser, and it is updated frequently...

2022: How to Crop Landscape 16:9 Videos to Vertical 9:16 using ffmpeg for YouTube Shorts or TikTok
It's another new year! Still feels like 2020! Noooo!! In this post, I will be showing some ffmpeg commands that can be used to convert 720p or 1080p 16:9 video into a 9:16 format that will allow it to work in YouTube Shorts. I'm a long time Youtuber, but I'm also someone who thought up until yesterday that "TikTok" had a space between Tik and Tok. That'd be like writing "You Tube"! Jeez. But with YouTube Shorts, I've been understanding more the appeal of quick and dismissable videos. It's much m...

2021: Another New Laptop
I find myself with another new laptop, this time only 1.5 years later. It turns out I bought previous one at basically the worst possible time. This is now "officially" my fourth Macbook in 12 years, further solidfying my ties to the Apple ecosystem. Although, the Asahi Linux project looks very promising for running linux here in the future! The 2020 MBP I got towards "the start" of the pandemic (which is weird to say, considering it was May 2020 which felt deep-pandemic at the time). I got it a...

2021: [release] Space Game (for Web and PC, Godot port)
Space Game was originally a Wii U homebrew released in 2016 that was my first real designed-for-consoles app/game. This new version is playable in a browser at vgmoose.com/space-game/, or can be downloaded for Linux/Mac/Windows from these pipelines. I actually wasn't intending to make a web version, but adding in these Godot Github Actions included a gh-pages/Github Pages deploy, and I am happy with the results! I ported this game to Java in 2017, and again to SDL in 2018. The Java port was a ...

2020: How to fix macOS Flakey Screensharing
TLDR: for flakiness in Messages screen sharing, run the command at the bottom of this post The screen sharing functionality in macOS is really good!... When it works! I've been using it for a really long time now, and they seem to continuously change how you access/use it. In the early days, it could be accessed through AIM and iChat, if both parties had a Mac. In the buddy list, this would be denoted with a video chat icon that showed little screens behind it. As Apple upgraded the operating sy...

2020: [release] vgedit - Text Editor for Video Game Consoles
A little bit more than a year ago (oops somehow it's June?) I made a homebrew app for called vgedit, with the goal being the ability to edit text files directly on the Switch / Wii U. The app was made mostly for personal use cases, but I now have a major update to its functionality, which I will now tell you all about! Download: https://github.com/vgmoose/vgedit/releases Available under the GPLv3 license This update allows vgedit to handle much larger files, adds line number and cursor fixes, u...

2020: [release] An Open Source macOS Touchpad Tool
Here's a pre-release of a tool I've been working on for a while, which I'm now calling Glass Controller. It's macOS tool for setting up gestures and other shortcuts to be activated with the Macbook touchpad. It's available for download here, and it looks like this: More information on what this tool can do is available in the readme, and it's available under the GPLv3 license. At this time, I'm calling this a pre-release, as the GUI to configure the gestures/shortcuts is not fully realized or u...

2020: Yes I'm Still Here
Hello! Like USUAL it feels like it's been forever since drafting a blog post. Apparently I felt like there was no point to post at all in all of 2019. Actually, I can probably scrounge up a Homebrew App Store release post that happened in 2019 and repurpose that as a blog post... Like most of the other older blog posts on here. So anyway, the year is apparently 2020 somehow, and there's a Literal Death Virus outdoors that turns all of reality into a poorly thought out NaNoWriMo premise. And we'r...

2019: [release] Homebrew App Store 2.2
What's New? This update should address a lot of the slowness and crashing that people have experienced. We have other infrastructure-related changes that we're still working on, but are publishing this now to make sure these client bugfixes are out there! In July 2019, we passed our third year of hosting the Homebrew App Store service since starting on the Wii U! Thank you to everyone who has used the App Store or otherwise shown support for this project. You're the reason we keep doing this. Th...

2018: Extracting iOS Voicemails (and other data) with OpenBackupTool
Recently, I got into the situation of needing to extract some old voicemails from an iTunes backup. iTunes does keep track of a lot of old voicemails but it doesn't provide a way to browse these documents. And then I felt like I entered a parallel universe-- I couldn't find any programs that would allow be to simply extract all the voicemails from an iTunes backup that were completely free! This is especially irritating, as some programs would bring you to what appeared to be the final export s...

2018: Creating a flash-able disk image from a folder
First, create an empty file of the desired size that the disk image will be, using dd. The below will create a 1GB file (count*bs) dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=512M count=2 Then, use losetup and the -P flag to use the newly created image as a loopback device. losetup -P /dev/loop0 disk.img Once the loopback device is created, you should be able to create a partition map on it using fdisk. (If you don't want to use fdisk, another disk partitioning program should work) fdisk /dev/loop0 Ins...

2017: On the Pokemon Bank transfer algorithm
I uploaded two videos to YouTube a few months ago describing the transfer algorithm in the 1.2 version of Pokémon Bank for the 3DS. The process was upsetting as it was not a consistent, deterministic algorithm, and instead generates completely random numbers at the time of transfer to create the Gen 7 Pokémon from Gen 1 ones. First video explaining the algorithm and what values it discards/randomizes Second video showing the transfer process on some cloned Pikachu. What I describe in the video...

2017: Fixing a Suddenly Read-only Flash Drive
A while back I purchased this Silicon Power 64G USB3 flash drive to put on my keychain. It was a great, durable flash drive for about 6 months... Then, it suddenly showed up as read-only on any device that I connected to it! It was not a permission error, or something wrong with the partition map. The physical device was flat-out refusing to be read. Even gparted -> Create Partition Map would report back "/dev/sdb is read-only". After some googling, a common belief is that this may be a sign ...

2017: Using a Swapfile to Prevent OutOfMemoryError in Android
I have an old OG Motorola Droid, which originally came with Eclair. It's a nice device to develop and debug Android apps on, as it provides a more-or-less accurate representation of what an underpowered device will look like when seeing how well your app performs. This is, in my opinion, an important but often neglected aspect of app development that often goes ignored. And when performance is ignored, apps get bloated and compete for resources, which is something that you rarely want to happen ...

2016: [release] nc-client for iOS - Netcat on Device
On December 15 2016, Ian Beer posted a kernel exploit for iOS <= 10.1.1. The code exploits the OS and provides access to a root shell on port 4141. That's awesome! Upon seeing this, I updated from a full jailbreak 8.1 to 10.1.1, anticipating someone in the near future will tidy it up. Until then though, building the project at the link above and poking around the filesystem as root is interesting. Something that I missed from my jailbreak was being able to access terminal on the go. In theor...

2016: Using iPhone Data Connection wth a Computer Hotspot (Reverse Tethering)
So recently I've stumbled upon a pretty neat "one weird trick" that can be done to access the iPhone's data connection from any wifi-enabled device. This is still important if your carrier doesn't allow tethering (of which, a surprising amount the US seem to not, despite some court rulings. The same trick can probably work on Android phones as well but I haven't tried anything. So the general idea is this: 1. Host a wifi-hostpot on your computer 2. Turn on wifi on your iPhone and connect to the ...

2016: Moving from Github Pages to Netlify
Github Pages is an incredibly useful service that makes deploying a static website very free and very easy. I used Github for a long time to host this website (discussed here) and others. Since the websites are purely static content, there isn't much to maintain besides the actual html/css/js files that are pushed to the Github repo. There are two very cool features provided by the service. One, free TLS encryption is automatically provided to to those that use its service, simply by changing th...

2016: Public Key Encryption and Keybase.io
I have recently signed up for keybase.io, a website which addresses a long standing issue. I got into public key crypto a couple of years back after reading Cory Doctorow's Little Brother. Since then, I probably used it at most 4 times total, with two other people. Although it was designed to be easy to use, it just didn't seem to resonate with me well enough. Keybase.io, however, solves this problem (of not using it) beautifully, by putting what seems to be a totally modern spin on keyservers. ...

2016: [release] Homebrew App Store (for Wii U)
On July 4th, 2016, I released another homebrew app for the Wii U called the Homebrew App Store! Here's a video of me using it. Check out the thread here for information about on how to use it. The source code is available on my github. See the github readme for more information!

2016: Leaving Ubuntu for Fedora
Despite having literally worked at Red Hat, I've actually always been a Debian/Ubuntu guy. There are three common reasons that I would give for this preference: stability, ease-of-use, and support. I don't usually blog about personal computing either, but I feel like I need to vent some frustration here! Above: The default Fedora 24 gnome-3 desktop (larger) When I started my next job, I made the decision to install Ubuntu on the work laptop rather than Fedora. I believed that, since it was a la...

2016: An Interesting Purchase
Through some nontrivial sequence of events this past weekend I found myself purchasing the following: Yep, a brand "new" New Nintendo 3DS XL. Now, let me for the record say that it way bigger than anything I'd like. The screen does look nice, but I mean it literally doesn't fit in my pocket. I got this thing about a year after it came out. I had been trying to get the Majora's Mask 3DS XL when that first came out, but I've long since given up on that dream. Anyway, my desire to own this N3DS X...

2016: How To: Host a File Locally
Here's a quick guide on how to host a file over the network. There are three basic parts to this: 1. Knowing your local IP 2. Knowing where the files to host are 3. Running a server to serve it over HTTP Every single website that you see and visit in your browser is done over the HyperText Transfer Protocol. These websites are hosted on remote servers, which distribute content to you via this protocol. So to host a file, we will need to run a server on your machine, to be visited by the other m...

2016: Implementing a Static Blog Search Clientside in JS
One of the primary features of the blog on this website is the fact that it is compiled offline with a python script and then served as a static site by a "dumb" server. The advantage of this is less overhead for me when hosting, as well as the ability to leverage Github Pages to act as a CDN. More info about the decisions behind the script are detailed in this post. However, there was something that the site had been lacking, and that was a way to go through and actually search through the post...

2016: [release] Space Game! (for Wii U)
On Feb 9 2016 I released a little homebrew app for the Wii U called Space Game! Here's a video of me playing it. You can play the game on the latest 5.5.0/5.5.1 Wii U firmwares by going to space.vgmoose.com. I've written a couple of posts about it on gbatemp and reddit. The source code is available on my github. Please enjoy! I hope to one day make my splash as a real developer on a Nintendo console, but until then, this homebrew stuff is the only card I can play.

2015: My Daily Computer
On July 14, 2009, I received a Macbook Pro (13 inch, Mid-2009 model). This is the first unibody aluminum Macbook that was produced. I chose to get this computer, as I had been playing with iOS (then called iPhone OS) as well as Hackintoshes. I had grown fond of OS X (then Mac OS X). Despite this, however, I had my heart set on the HP Pavilion tx2000, as the idea of turning the screen around to make it into a "tablet" interested me. During the deciding process, though, I came across this video de...

2015: Making OctopusSlap.com
So I'd like to take this blog entry to talk about something that I made a few days ago. Well, at this point it's more like a few months ago. OctopusSlap.com was made on February 19th 2015, and it was created using stills from this YouTube video by Rhett and Link. Introduction I happened to catch the Good Mythical Morning episode early, about a half hour after it went up. During the video, Rhett and Link parody the existing EelSlap.com, with an octopus instead. Before being slapped, Rhett excla...

2015: Reinventing The Wheel
Today marks the launch of YET ANOTHER VGMoose site redesign. The old site will remain available at backpack.vgmoose.com. The current iteration of the site is built offline using python with this script. Each post is stored in a .post directory as seen here. This is very similar to the way my personal site is built. I've amassed a surprisingly large number of blogs throughout the last decade that I've spent on the interwebs! I've made blogs using BlogDrive, Wordpress, BlogSpot,Tumblr, iWeb, and O...

2015: First Post
Hello this is a test of the very first post that will be generated from this markdown file. It must support links as well as images. It should also understand italic and bold as well as bold words with italics inside of them. block quotes should be supported unordered lists are also important as well as nested lists that work inside of eachother these can be unordered bullets see def method(): print("Hello there") class NewClass: def __init__(self): self.va...

2015: Chromebook Screen Dimming Tip
I was looking for an alternative to f.lux / screen filter (android) / shades (mac) to keep the screen more dim at night, and couldn't find one that I liked. A lot of them would just dim the webpage and not the whole system. However, on linux there's a trick you can do to write the brightness value directly from the terminal, and I wondered if the same trick would work on chromeos. With developer mode on, from crosh (ctrl+alt+T): shell sudo su cd $(dirname $(find /sys -name brightness)) This wi...

2014: Game Boy Color Frontscreen Mod
Final Product I wanted to frontlight my gbc, as modern screens have spoiled me to the point where the original gameboy color screen appears almost unreadable. There are a lot of cool mods on /r/gameboy, so after doing some research I finally bought an SP and started on the mod. I was pretty nervous after looking at all the tutorials, but I'm surprised (and happy) to say that it worked out! The method I ended up using takes the front light from an AGS-001, cuts it so that it fits horizontally, a...

2014: Day 13 - The Slicer
Another Monday. My documentation work is slowly making progress. Although there are still some confusing things, they seem to stem from the fact that I’ve been mixing and mashing different versions of lvmthin. Things are stable again, for the moment. The Slicer is a utility that is not provided to the employees, so I am responsible to bring it myself from home. Its primary function is transforming the non-edible fruit in the break room into something that can be consumed by any given human. One...

2014: Day 12 - Kernel Upgrading and Reinstallation
The toolset lvmcache is special in that it isn't supported in the default kernel that ships with Fedora 20. My RHEL7 machines (and partition on my laptop) have no issues using it, but it would be most useful to have functioning on my laptop. After a lot of researching I learned that it eventually boiled down to the version of the linux kernel that I was using. uname -r The above command reports information about the kernel. I was running 3.11, which does not have dm-cache support. The README ...

2014: Day 11 - Triple Threat
Much of my job consists of taking my computers... and destroying them. Well, I'm not supposed to be destroying them, and I'm not necessarily trying to either, but usually in testing LVM I manage to find one way or another to make the machines unbootable. Thankfully, due to the wealth of LVM information out there, more often than not I am capable of fixing the problems that develop on my laptop, but for the desktops it's usually just less effort to reformat them and try something different. I wa...

2014: Day 10 - Snapshot Restore Aftermath
So today I thought I'd through caution to the wind and just restore one of the daily snapshots that I had lying around from the cron job. This turned out to be not such a great idea... Despite being in charge of reviewing the documentation, it was not so obvious to me that upon merging one of the snapshots from my "Time Machine" the other ones would be de-linked as snapshots, and simply exist as thin volumes within the pool. This is pretty upsetting, as the inability to merge the snapshots that ...

2014: Day 09 - RAM Disks and Write Speeds
As discussed in yesterday's post, caching is beneficial when a large slow volume is assisted by a fast small one. While it isn't a practical use for production, my manager suggested I could emulate this faster behavior by using a ramdisk, as 2/3 of my machines don't have flash storage. A RAM disk, (which, from this point on, I shall continue going back and forth between "RAM disk" and "ramdisk" spellings) allows a piece of memory to be sectioned off and mounted like a disk would. This means it n...

2014: Day 08 - Enter the Cache
Logical volumes are very unique in the sense that you can inject some higher level logic into something as low level as the bytes on your disk. Flash disks are very fast, but large ones are also still very expensive. This obviously creates an interesting problem for server maintainers, as ideally large amount of content would be served as fast as possible which would require the best of both worlds. Not.. that kind of cash. Ha. HA HA. dm-cache was a proprosed kernel module solution to allow qu...

2014: Day 07 - Daily Time Machine
Happy Friday! I finally feel like I'm becoming well-versed with these LVM commands. I'm also starting to feel a lot more comfortable in general. It might just be because we're using Thinkpads, but this laptop has byfar been the most comfortable linux experience I've had to date. There are still very minor things that are preventing me from using it all the time (some as major as the trackpad being awful, and some as minor as the default gnome drop shadow size) but it is all around very pleasant....

2014: Day 06 - Life at Red Hat
This post is focused primarily on what it's like to work at Red Hat. My past few posts have been more on the technical side, as much of what I do consists of that. The other interns have more frequent meetings with their managers, but I appear to be on a much smaller team. As a result of this, much of my day is the same with the exception of the technical stuff that I'm playing around with that day. Before I get into the actual workflow, HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. I hadn't realized how much ...

2014: Day 05 - Thinly Provisioned Snapshots
In yesterday's post I introduced LVM snapshots and why they are useful. It may have gotten lost a bit in the jumble of commands. To recap, snapshots physically store only the differences between a filesystem at a given time and the present. Using the differences (which of course are much smaller than the entire filesystem) one can mount and reconstruct the filesystem from the point when the snapshot was created. That, of course, is really cool, but let's say you want to take a TON of snapshots (...

2014: Day 04 - LVM and LVM Snapshots
We're jumping right into this, because it's pretty crazy. Like, mad crazy son. I haven't talked much about what lvm actually is. So I'm gonna attempt to do an introduction to it right now. Right here. Literally next. An entire drive can be split into partitions. This is old news. What's also old news is that you can only have a maximum of four primary partitions on an MBR drive. While this is being phased out, it is still very popular. Additionally, what if you want to have a partition that's bi...

2014: Day 03 - Cubicle Sweet Cubicle
This was the first "real" work day here, without any intern specific activities, and also a Friday. When I arrived and parked in a spot in the back of the building, with my new babby laptop in tow, I really, for a brief moment, felt like a functioning member of society. I heroically scanned into the building using my incredibly and extremely fancy spider-man web-launcher style security card, only to become INSTANTLY lost in the maze that was the building. After eventually making my way to the Cu...

2014: Day 02 - Orientation Part 2
The beginning of this day was some more regular boring orientation stuff. You know, all those boring rules and what not. OH JUST KIDDING CHECK THIS JAZZ OUT: They gave us these stickers, and this one left me confused. But don't worry, I texted it to my mom, and she was confused as well. I guess it's part of their "It's better to share - your mother was right" campaign. Also, this photo came out pretty nice so that is why you are currently looking at it. I can't say the same about the next one c...

2014: Day 01 - Orientation
So today was officially Day One of the Red Hat Summer Internship orientation. And you know what that means, children, do you not? THE DAY WAS UPON US. Let me clear up a few misconceptions first. The first of which being, driving is a rather difficult process. The entire route consists of this exactly: turn right, left, right, right, left, straight for a relatively long time, left, and then a right turn into the Red Hat Westford office. Upon arriving, I was instructed to park 'round back. I did ...

2014: Orientation Thoughts
The Red Hat two day orientation is coming up fast. It looks like it's going to be pretty fun, but there is no way to be 100% sure. Here is the schedule for the two days: The notable things that I've taken away from the schedule are the 10 minute "Intro and Icebreaker" at 9:35, which I'm hoping will not be horribly embarrassing in any way shape or form. An hour long talk about "Ethics and Legal" does not sound like it would be terribly interesting either. The "Ice Cream Social" event, at first g...

2014: First post
This is the first post.

2013: Wiiload for Android
Wiiload for Android is a graphical interface for the Wiiload client for Android. Wiiload is an application that sends bootable ELF or DOL files over the network to a Wii running the Homebrew Channel mod. This allows for one to boot native Wii code and applications without using a computer at all, only using a phone and the Wii. Wiiload for Android is possible, as Android applications are programmed in Java, so JWiiload for Android is a port of JWiiload, a project of mine that was also written fr...

2013: Mario Face
Mario Face is an application that is based off a funny mini-game in Mario Party Advanced. In the application, the entire phone’s screen fills with the face of one of multiple Mario characters– Mario, Peach, Goomba, or Boo. Once this is done, you simply hold the phone up to your face (screen facing away from you), and then press the volume buttons or tap the screen to make it appear as if you are talking with that character’s mouth. Download APK file here To put it less elegantly: The app itself...

2013: JWiiload
JWiiload is an program that sends bootable ELF and DOL files to a Wii that is currently running the Homebrew Channel mod. It sends the file over the network, so code can easily be compiled for the Wii, and then run by using it from the console. JWiiload is programmed in Java so that it is compatible on any OS that can run the Java Runtime. Unlike many other Wiiload programs with graphical interfaces, JWiiload does not rely on any pre-built binaries, and runs everything from Java natively. Requ...

2012: Introducing Leaderboards!
Now all of that hard work in those tournaments has finally paid off! See where you rank in comparison to other StarcraftUMass users. Sublimate is number one from UMA, U mad everyone in Master? View them on the Team page.

2012: Patch - Tournaments
Based on everybody's feedback from the last tournament that we ran, I've made the following adjustments: Things you as the user will notice: The page can be safely refreshed after reporting a victory, you won't be advanced two rounds now. The second place "Report Victory" button will not stay after the tournament ends I added a refresh link in the upper right of tournaments just to reduce future refresh issues Behind the scene things that you won't notice: The page can be refreshed after chec...

2011: Bugfix- Registration Glitch
Wassup, There was a glitch in non-Webkit browsers when registering. This pretty much means any popular browser that isn't Chrome or Safari. It had to do with the registration button being an image, and the way that these browsers handled that. Should be fixed now!

2011: Feature- Stay Signed In
Hey everybody, There were complaints about users being logged out too early. This issue has been resolved with a "Stay signed in" button. Sessions without the button checked should last until you go idle on the site or close your browser, and sessions with it checked will last forever. Please continue reporting errors!

2011: All I do is haaaaxkkck
Pokémon Black and white are coming out soon and I did a hacxkkie amajig for them. I also put up a preliminary fifth gen download link. I included a lot of tools from the fourth gen download that I was familiar with in addition to pptxt, for text editing. Also, you all probably have not noticed, but I updated the fourth gen download so that it’s actually useful. It has everything you need in addition to detailed help files. All it’s really missing is a map editor, which doesn’t actually exist at...

2011: Fourth and Fifth Gen Etiquette
An introduction to everything new in the fourth gen and how things have changed since third gen hacking! NARC files confuse you? READ THIS. NARC files don’t actually confuse you that much? Whatever. Alright well, before we get started, I’m just going to tell you straight up to go download my hacking tool pack for fourth generation. It’s under “Downloads” which can obviously be clicked on above Got everything downloaded? Okay. Now, do you have a NDS ROM? I’d recommend you rip yourself a HG/SS on...

2011: New video! And maybe Program?
I told you guys that I wasn’t dead! And it’s all new content too! Kind of... I mean, it isn’t the promised Creepypasta BUT THAT IS PROBABLY BEING WORKED ON. Your Interactive Adventure can blaaaaaaaagh. Maybe I’ll make a fourth generation IA LOLMFAO. No I won’t. Anyway, I intend on doing more fourth generation videos. Then maybe even fifth gen if the process is similar enough. Also, I had a thought. A program similar to A-text that would edit the fourth generation text (or at the very least in he...

2010: I'm Not Dead!
This is literally just an update to let you know that I’m still alive! AND YES, THIS IS STILL GOING TO GET DONE EVEN IF IT KILLS ME. I have a chunk of time to work on it on Tuesday, so I think I shall do that then. With any luck, it’ll be finished. Sorry this time. It’s really just laziness now that I’ve overcome that trainer-in-battle issue. I also installed Windows 7 as a virtual machine as opposed to Windows XP, and I’d like to do another tutorial soon. Maybe even one detailing how to use the...

Okay, no, but seriously, I need to go to bed. Here’s some shizz from the Interactive Adventure: Like seriously, that was a lot of work. YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW. At least it’s finally out of the way. The rest of the Interactive Adventure should (hopefully) be downhill from here on! THAT’S ALL I GOT!! MOOSE OUT.

2010: Working on Custom Pokemon Tutorial
As you may have, but probably didn’t notice, there’s a new tutorial entry under the tutorials page. It partially details how to insert your own custom Pokémon into the game. It’s a work in progress, and is kind of a challenge to write, because I usually still even run into problems and have to discover my own workaround solutions to them. I guess that’s just part of being a hacker though... maybe. Not much else is going on. I got a huge RAM upgrade for my computer (2GB to 8GB) so vmware and the ...

2010: Inserting Custom Pokemon Sprites
Okay dude, it’s time to make your own Pokémon! The process really isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. The key here is doing it neatly. This guide will cover the process for Emerald version, but a similar (easier) method is available in all of the other third generation games. That will be discussed as well. Okay, so, the first thing you’re going to want to do is find an appropriate Pokémon Sprite to edit. It doesn’t really matter what the image is, just keep in mind that it will d...

2010: VBA Tutorial Up!
That actually took about a billion more years than I thought that it would’ve. I’m not even kidding. Maybe it’s just the ridiculous amount of detail I went into. I don’t even think any one needs a VBA tutorial, so I honestly don’t know what all that was about. I’m thinking Advance Map, or Advance Text will be next, as they are excellent tools for beginners. Also, I’m terrified of attempting to explain scripting, so I shall put that off as long as I have to. And yes, as usual the Interactive Adve...

2010: Using Visual Boy Advance
Visual Boy Advance is one of the most essential utilities in your Pokemon Emulation Tool belt. Well, not really, but without it there’d pretty much be nothing. So first thing’s first, open VBA in the VisualBoyAdvance folder in the Hacking Tools download of this site. Alternatively, you can get it here. Once it’s open, check out the minimalist interface: Well, I mean like, what were you expecting? Obviously you’ll spend most of your time messing around with the File, Option, Cheats, etc. thingi...

2010: Thinkings and Worklike Creatures
So like, I was thinking about what exactly I’m going to do for the Tutorials. I’m currently torn between just a video of me demonstrating it with my voice commenting, a list of every step with pictures, and even an interactive flash tutorial. The video would be the easiest and maybe even the most useful, however, it would kind of defeat the purpose of people even bothering to visit this site... Maybe I could just talk about it a bunch. I’d also still probably include a shortcut key with pictures...

2010: In Which Deadspace is Awesome
Okay, well now that I have your attention, (or not), the Comments and Downloads sections are up! I’m still working on slowly adding all of the Videos to the video page. It’s not an easy, task; I may just forget doing full power descriptions as I’ve been doing. Is that even how you use a semicolon? I don’t think it is... Uh, oh yeah. In order to make this an actual “blog” entry or whatever I need to like talk about something generic. LIKE DEADSPACE OMG. Deadspace Extraction. I played with a frien...

2010: New Website!
Well, this is pretty cool right? iWeb is actually good for something! With... any luck... at all there will be lots of things here, such as Pokémon Hack downloads, or maybe, in the distant and slash or not so distant future tutorials. First things first though– Pokémon Interactive Adventure. It is happening. Honest. It will take a while, but I have already privately uploaded (as some of you have so keenly noticed) the next pieces of the adventure. Unfortunately, unlike the earlier break in work,...

seriously, I think I've had longer tweets.

2010: bloggity blog blog
ohai there blog. how are you doing today?

2010: ALSO!
I made a typo two entries ago and I simply can't be bothered to fix it.

2010: Hey is anybody reading this yet?
No? Good.

2010: Long Awaited Blog Post
I almost wrote vlog in the title. Weird. I don't have a lot to say right now, but that's okay. I'm sure I will eventually. Maybe.

2010: ohai
long time no update! not that it matters (no readers). I'm a little upset that both the texting and IMing apps on the Droid use capital letters by default, but the blogging one does not. that's pretty much the exact opposite of the way I wanted it to be. Please excuse this post.

2009: Blogging for the sake of hearing myself talk
JK! gotcha!

2009: The Best Kind of Pizza
Look, I prolly don't know you random reader, but that's okay. I just wanted to let you know that Buffalo Chicken (BUFF CHICK) is the best pizza ever. Of all time! OF ALL TIME. Leave a comment below on what pizza you think is the best. OMG READERS PARTICIPATION. It's okay though, because there are no readers! Yaaaaaaaay!

2009: Boo!
Did I scare you? If I did then that's pretty sad... Pathetic really. You're such a wimp, gawsh.

2009: yeah, you update that blog
And I will! There are no capital letters in the title because I hate you. Anyway, um. Stuff. Blog update type stuff. HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU HOW NICE THE KEYBOARD IS ON THE MOTOROLA DROID? I have? Well... IT'S REALLY NICE. It even has the same alt+symbol configuration as my Macbook. Examples: ?,?,?,?. Never mind. It doesn't have the exact same one... But it's pretty similar! Okay, I'm off to see a movie about chipmunks now. Bye bye.

2009: Again!
It's two AM! Like that Taylor Swift song! Yaaaaaaay... I should sleep. And zomg I just realized there's a right side shift button on this keyboard. Fascinating.

2009: In which I am a dirty liar
I really didn't think that I would be updating this. Especially not so soon. But the app was just sitting there on my Droid and I felt extremely tempted to use it. Um. I've actually got to go do stuff now. See you later, maybe.

2009: It's Only a Matter of Time...
...until I lose interest in this blog-dealie. I have reason to suspect that the only reason I've been updating it is because everyone who normally talks to me is off doing something holiday related. It's actually really sad. What can I talk about now? uhhh... Nothing I guess. Now that I have my Droid my iPod Touch is almost completely useless. In fact, even holding it makes me feel childish. ):

2009: First Entry!
Now, please bear with me. There is no purpose to this blog. I don't even have any plans to share it with anyone. In fact, it's kind of strange that you're even reading this. The only reason I'm posting an entry is to try the Motorola Droid's keyboard out and practice a bit. I've only made a couple of mistakes so far, so that's good. I've decided that it isn't nearly as annoying as I thought it would be; I currently prefer it to the onscreen one and the shift to the left doesn't appear to bother ...

2009: idunno
Like really, what are blogs supposed to be about anyway? If my blog post is less than 140 characters should I just as well be microblogging on Twitter or something? FOOD FOR THOUGHT. Or, my thought at least...

2008: Playing with PHP
Well, my aunts asked me to create a website for their Alpaca and farm business, which, although more than happy to do, I doubt basic HTML alone would allow me to do it. This lead me into playing around a bit with PHP, which lead to this. PHP is really interesting and simple at the same time, which is nice.

2008: Experiment
Well, this "blog" nonsense has officially become part of a personal experiment of mine. The experiment? Just how long your average Moose can blog. I guess I could always tell you about my day... But I don't really DO much so that's kind of a problem... ... OH! Here's something!! I recently watched Spiderman... for the first time. I never liked Spiderman. I just always thought he was some joke super-hero that just kinda was put out there for the lil' kiddies. BUT OH MAN, there's SO much more to i...

2008: What're YOU looking at?
Someone said I should do this. So I did. I'm not really sure WHEN exactly I started listening to other people, but apparently it's now. I hope you're all happy. Now, the funny thing about being the AUTHOR in a blog entry, is that I'm entitled to do WHATEVER THE HECK I want. I guess that's a round about way of saying "Sorry" for the pain you will witness in the days to come.

2008: Update on Project S.T.I.C.K.
Remember that Full-Fledged game I was talking about earlier? Well after much discussing, we have managed to come up with many design ideas, and a short little demo. Nothing public, mind you, but still something I should probably note. At this point, it's a 2 developer project. The other developer, who from this point on, I shall refer to as "Mr. Snuffles" talked about it with me over AIM this evening: Snuffles: This game: http://www.datarealms.com/ Snuffles: Should be Snuffles: Our inspiration S...

2008: New Pokemon Hack
S'all I've got...

2008: Death Sharp Site launched
As you may or may not know, a couple of neighborhood friends and I happen to be in a band. Well, OK, I just sorta manage it, but still. The music is pretty good if you ask me. Anyway, I was in charge of the website, but recently, Joey, the head of the band, asked me to take it down. You can still view it >>here. Not one to kill my own work, if you click the "You're Dead" button, you can enter the password to view the site. The password REALLY isn't a tricky one, and it's also easy to find ...

2008: Sunday Update 6.29
You can be expecting a New Pokemon Hack this week. I have the script sitting in a .txt file on my desktop, and I'm just waiting to overcome one small obsticle before I upload it. In other news, I created a website that encodes and decodes my secret language known as Moose Code. You do need a password to get in, otherwise it wouldn't be much of a secret :p Looking foward to seeing some Animal Crossing Wii news at this year's E3 as well... So yeah, have a nice week everybody. Oh, and I've added a ...

2008: New Full-Fledged Game?
A couple of friends and I are looking at developing a full fledged game for the iPod Touch. Although we can't really talk about it much right now for the sake of spoiling you children, there's a lot to go on and it sounds pretty awesome. We're talking cutscenes. CUTSCENES MAN!! You can expect a free demo sometime around the end of the Summer. The actual game, when it comes out, is planned to be sold for $3.00 on the AppStore, and for $2.00 to Jailbroken users (screw apple, lol). It's a really sm...

2008: [beta] OhSnApp
Now, I know I said Beta, but chances are I will never get around to finishing this, it's good enough as it is! OK, so what this app does, it launch a popup bubble every 2-7 seconds that says "OH SNAP". Nothing more, nothing less. It can be used to annoy friends, or simply for your own personal entertainment. It's actually two apps in one, the first app, OhSnApp, will launch the Oh Snaps. As soon as you launch the app, hit home right away to exit quickly. Not exiting quickly can lead to unexpecte...

2008: [release] UnderScore
This is a lovely little application for the iPod or iPhone that allows you to pretend it's not working. The way it works is, it creates a virtual environment that the user can't close with the Home button. This environment also blocks the use of the device and displays and image, that image being the UnderScore logo of (x_X). It's a nice little application that may come in handy every once in a while. Like, if some ugly kid wants to go on safari, simply launch UnderScore, and he can't use it. Ho...

2008: Mini iPod iPhone Browser Project
It's just a small cute little thing really. You will find said cuteness >>here. You can enter any website in the box and it will go to it. You can also search the mobile internet (SSR mode). Hitting Home returns you to the URL box, and hitting Sleep/Wake turns it off... which is pointless... Future things for this, so that it may actually be practical, are drag and drop interface, and the ability for other websites to recognize it as an iPod, allowing it to access the iPod version. An iPho...

2008: Launching of the Blag
Well, here it is everyone, and by everyone I mean me, how's probably just about the only person even looking at this post right now. Now, I know quite a bit of HTML, but the reason that I chose to use WordPress to show my work is because it's easy to use and update. Well, that's all I have to say for now. Why bother talking when no one's listening, right?? >.> Oh, and a cookie to anyone who got the xkcd reference there...

2008: [release] LipSync
LipSync is GOOD CLEAN FAMILY FUN. It's a port of a Mario Party Advance Gaddget that let you pretend you had the mouth of a Nintendo character. The four characters are Mario, Peach, Boo, and Goomba. They all come in separate apps, which can be downloaded together >>here. Also, thanks to PabloPPP, there is a convenient all-in-one launcher, which can be found >>here. The all-in-one won't work with the Boo Application due to a .plist overlap, but you can modify this easily if you know wh...

2007: I'm Back!
And just when you thought you were safe! Well, after about 6 months the site is back up. This computer (our laptop) is getting really annoying! It has begun to reset itself, (as in all data go buh-bye), on a daily basis! It's not a trojan, (because one time it did it before we even got on the internet), but it just keeps deleting the required files, and we have to reset the whole thing, (which unfortunately takes 3 hours). I've found my memory stick though, so now I hardly do anything without it...

2006: Mamamia!!!
General Sorry I haven't been around to update, but that "minor problem" mentioned earlier, turned out to be a HUGE problem. See the Computer Programing section for more. Also, the Address Book and Friend Codes are (still) on their way! Also, I've been living it up at Camp Hyrule this week. It was awesome! We were in Cabin 7, and came in 3rd place! That's prizeworthy! If you want to PM me on NSider, my sn is AGS1. Hopefully there won't be another error, and this blog can liiiiive! Video Games I'v...

2006: I already forgot
General I'll be getting the full site makeover soon. Don't hurt me!!!

2006: The Pokemon Aftercraze!
General The Talking site... IT'S COMING!!! Now that I have a microphone, I'm going to have the site TALK TO YOU!!!! I'm 99% Sure it will get on your nerves! Sorry about Skipping an update, it's just that the Pokemon tournament was Crazy! There was so much to do, with so lot of lines! The line for Celebi and the top twenty was out the mall! (well not really). But, it got so long, that at 2:00 they closed it because the line was 3 hours long, and the tournament was only until 5:00! I don't think i...

2006: Happy Birthday... me... Or else!
General I'm Still working on the Address Book, Friend Code, and Other sections in the side bar. Also, If you Have a favorite song that you would like me to post on the blog, Email it to me at AGS55225@YAHOO.COM. I may also have some contests later for, uh contest stuff. PINK YOSHI FO KARMA FOOS! Video Games The big Pokemon Tournament is tomorrow! I'm not in it, but my Pink Yoshi-Loving Friend is. We tried to train for the Tournament... But that didn't work out. (can you believe that he didn't kn...

2006: The PC goes boom!
General I've added some new stuff to the Side Bar, including a chat box, the Mario Kart DS Theme, and Two new sections. Also, I got my first comment in record timing, and answered it. This site hardly ever gives me any trouble, so if you are trying to make a blog, try BlogDrive! (see side bar) Video Games Today, I dished out some more Mario Kart goodness. After discovering that Yoshi in the Standard YS isn't the best way to go against Stu7, who prefers Bowser in the R.O.B. BLS, I switched to a h...

2006: The site is up!
General The site is now up and running! From now on, you will see a bunch of daily Blog Updates (duh!) broken down into 3 Sections. If you do not understand Computer Programming, then I suggest you don't read that section. I'll occasionally have a Download section too, when I decide to give you all some good stuff! Also, check out the Moose Wiki, that features a ton of information on Video Games, all 100% editable. That's all for Now! Video Games Today, I invited a few friends over, and we play...

2005: Fall Cover Story
Kirby hasn’t seen much action ever since the release of Canvas Curse and that game wasn’t exactly Kirby potential. So what is the next Kirby Game? Good question! But what exactly is Kirby Potential? Well, most of the time, Kirby games have the classic side to side scrolling, suck up powers, and King Dedede theme. A certain few may be Mini-Games, and another handful could be fighting or racing games, but, the most recent creation of HAL, Kirby Canvas Curse, was pretty fun, but it only used the to...